Dawn Gagnon Photography ©2023 If you come from a certain time period, you may well remember what "discipline" meant in your family. It typically meant corporal punishment which could involve the hand, a belt, or a switch from a tree outside. Parents from that time operated on the belief that you mustn't spoil the child by sparing the rod. While considered abuse by today's standards, it was a different time, and no one truly knows for sure whether those tactics were effective in a positive way or not. It really depends on who you ask. We can agree that the old way of discipline may be an extreme measure, and it was, however has the pendulum swung too far in the other direction? Children today see very little consequence for their actions, and often come from single parent homes. There are a lot of studies showing the damning long term effects of single parent homes. That is not to disparage single parent homes, as there are exceptions and plenty that managed successf...
All people suffer from the pain of life in varying ways. We often carry these pains of suffering around like emotional weights tied to our necks. In time the pain has to be alleviated and released. The release of pain in our hearts is best removed through the simple and random things we do for others in which we seek no return of gesture. A bird can never get far off the ground when it is carrying a load it can not bear..we humans are the same way..letting go of those things that hold us down, keep us from flying, moving and rising to be a better person is key to our healing.. Random and anonymous acts of kindness There are many ways we can do these things to lighten the woes of our own scars. We can do kind things that are anonymous and with the intent to bring joy, love or benefit to another. We can tend to our gardens and plant trees for each milestone we cross in our lives. Giving of ourselves freely, brings joy, peace and nourishment to our souls. When this happen...