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Showing posts with the label Drug overdose

Helping an addicted loved one

Image via Wikipedia Corey Haim , child star of the Lost Boys etc, was found dead in his apartment from an apparent drug overdose at the age of 38. How do we fight this battle in our own families to avoid this tragic end? Sadly, drug use enters into a family much like a thief in the night. By the time you realize it, it is usually well in force. Family members find themselves in unfamiliar territory as they journey through this devastating attack on their loved ones. Fighting a drug problem, whether your own or a family members takes courage and determination. Summoning support for a wide variety of resources is the only way to combat it head on.  Read more here: Helping an addicted loved one If you or a family member is suffering from addiction, seek information, support and help from :  The Addicted Family . Related articles D ysfunctional families and addiction Amy Winehouse death a sobering reminder Addiction to Ambien Another South Carolina baby test...