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Showing posts with the label Spoiled child

Top child rearing articles

                                                Dawn Gagnon Photography ©2023 As more of our children grow up in single parent homes, they are quick to assume that child rearing is a way to gain more love from another human being. Raising children is a difficult job for any parent of any age. More and more teens are entering this life changing decision only to realize too late how hard it is and how ill prepared they are for the undertaking. Recognizing an artistically gifted child Children are often born with a creative instinct of one type of another. Paying attention to the signals they give at a young age will help you, help them find their outlet and medium. A lifelong love and talent may be just within reach for your youngster. To read more on how to do this click here:   Recognizing an artistically gifted child Talking and connecti...

Ways to avoid spoiling your kids

Image via Wikipedia Is there anything worse than a spoiled child ? Yes, a spoiled adult child, the end result. Lets face it, we all have the yearning to always give our children everything they need and want, but to do so well beyond the childhood years is ridiculous. Being a constant "go to" for all your child's problems turns you into a crutch, they never learn to walk with out. Come up with a plan - Start teaching your children early on what you expect out of them. By the time your child is out of high school, they should have a plan in mind for life. Encourage them to discuss their plans with you. Offer suggestions, such as college, trade school , or they are going to have a full time job . If they seek higher education , via college or trade school and drop out before completing, teach them the err of their ways by insisting they pay back any money you spent to put them there. Make sure they understand what you expect by the time they reach adulthood....