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Showing posts with the label Haiti

How to find happiness through giving

Image by Swamibu via Flickr So many times in life we are victims. Either of circumstances or a bad childhood. Though we have no control often when bad things occur, we can always use the experience as a tool to become stronger and happier. A big part of finding happiness for yourself is by creating happiness for others. The recent crisis going on in Haiti is a great way to teach your children about how to feel good about themselves through helping others. Encourage discussions about how to help others. The best way to overcome the trials and tribulations of life is to go through the motions, and find a way to offset the negative energy it can leave with a positive act to counter it. It isn't always easy, when you are down to want to reach out to others and make life easier for them, but in time the rewards will become more and more apparent. Getting through harsh lessons is a learning process. Have Your Moment - Cry, scream, kick, punch a pillow. Release your pain...