What teen moms need to remember about their boyfriends is that when you choose to have unprotected sex with a teenaged boy, you are choosing a teenaged boy for a father. You can't expect them to be a man, nor can they expect you to be an adult either. Many like Houska seem to believe they have to have these boys be in a relationship with them to be happy but this is far from the case. Teenagers are not well suited for parenthood and emotionally not well suited for a long term relationship. This doesn't mean it can't happen, just statistically it rarely does happen. At some point it is time to shift your attention onto your child because the reality is, taking care of the child is a bigger weight on your shoulder's than the dad's. Teen boys will often find a reason for a fight just to be released from the relationship as we have seen Adam Lind do many times. Expecting a boy to suddenly be a man is expecting a lot. Unfortunately.
Jenelle Evans is her own worst enemy on the show. Deliberately doing things that would drive any mom crazy, like stealing credit cards, getting high every day, having a relationship with an opportunistic, out of work boyfriend, and putting her child last on her list. That being said, Evans did pull on my heart strings when she stated during one episode that she never hears "I love you" from her mom. Advice to Jenelle's mom, start showing a little love. Advice to Jenelle: It's a lot easier for a parent to say " I love you" when you're not constantly placing your responsibilities on their shoulders. Stop putting boyfriends first! Don't you know they will come and go?
Amber Portwood- This girl had some anger issues for sure. I think a stint in jail may cure her of her thinking she can beat the hell out of everyone, Here again, I see a girl that needs some real adult guidance. Is mom dropping the ball?
Speaking of Teen Mom Moms, why do you let your daughters leave and go live with the baby daddy???? Do you know your job as a parent is not over???? Until your child reaches 18, your child, even if they have a baby is still your responsibility legally. Stop handing them over to the boyfriends parents and family to deal with. This is a big fail waiting to happen. Remember Kailyn Lowry, was in her boyfriends home because mom's boyfriend didn't get along with her child?? Kick your boyfriend out mom and stop shuffling your kid off on other people.
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