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Dealing with teens and other people that know everything...

Image via Wikipedia What happens to our bundles of joy? In the beginning, these little delights gave our lives meaning, then suddenly in the blink of an eye they change.  Mom and dad become old and geeky and oblivious to everything relevant in a teens eyes. How did that happen? Moreover, when did we, become our parents ? Teenagers are a strange brood. They vacillate between happy and joyful and moody and obstinate. I do believe, in my experience as a parent for 23 plus years, and I'm not done yet...that the minute puberty sets in..the worm turns for our little former bundles of joy. My kids use odd terms that cover a wide variety of emotional expression. For instance, if I tell DJ , "my 12 year old version of Little Man Tate " to take out the garbage, I hear "taking out the garbage is gay ". Now, because I am no perfect, politically correct  parent, I usually retort by saying "Well then I picked the right person for the job then". Yes, I know..I...

There is no such thing as a "Cool" parent

Image via Wikipedia I don't care whether you go to all your kids baseball games, volunteer to go on every field trip or let your kids and their friends have parties at your house. You will never be a "cool" parent. Well, not cool in their eyes . So if your motivation behind everything you do is for that title, you are wasting your time. Children have a code in their DNA , that will not allow for you to be acknowledged as anything other than someone they must put up with. In their case, DNA means Do not allow. They will not allow us to be so cool and while we are trying to very hard to be the cool parent they will inevitably do something to make us change our hat and have to be the authority figure we are supposed to be. Forever, we as parents are losing "cool points". No matter what your definition of "cool" is, it will not be theirs. In fact most acts we deem as "cool" are really considered embarrassing to your kids. Doubt me? Pick up y...

Staying active as a stay at home mom

Image via Wikipedia Today , the stay-at-home mom is a dying breed, finding fulfillment and contentment in this difficult decision is a struggle, but with the right sense of humor , and your families best interest at heart, you can survive this . To keep from being the couch potato , bon-bon eating diva, finding things to do shouldn't be a problem with any active family. A few suggestions to keep you busy are listed here: Staying active as a stay at home mom Related articles 10 Sanity-Saving Tips for Moms Who Blog ( Research Study of 692 Women Uncovers the Secrets to Losing Baby Weight after Childbirth ( Stay At Home Mom : Overworked, Underpaid, AMAZING! (

How to Have Fun While Waiting With Kids

We've all been stuck somewhere waiting with our kids. It isn't long before we hear the familiar wails of "we're bored..", "how much longer?" and "can we go now?".. There are ways to cope with waiting with children that is fun and beneficial to you and them.  Here are some fun ideas to try the next time you are waiting with your kids: How to Have Fun While Waiting With Kids Related articles Keeping Kids Party Games Fun & Fair ( LeAnn Rimes Can't Wait To Deck The Halls With Eddie Cibrian's Kids ( No waiting for teenage braces, kids see orthodontist earlier ( Creating a Fun and Krafty Kids' Table (

Talking and connecting with your teen

Parenting is one of the single most rewarding, yet difficult jobs there are. When they are young, you spend your time teaching, and keeping them safe. As they grow and need you less, you find yourself somehow feeling a disconnect. Teen years are a painful mixture of emotions, hormones, and pressure. Bridging the gap between them and yourself is a challenge, but with determination and patience it can be done. Reconnect with your inner teen - Think back to when you were a teenager. Remember how confusing, painful and fun it all was? Take a look through your high school yearbook. Remember the struggles, the tears and the laughter? Things may be a little different now with your kids, but those emotions are the same and we all had them. Tell your teen about your times, so they can relate to the person you was, when you were in their shoes. Find a quiet place - Offer to take your teen out to eat. Order take out fare and go to a local park and make sure you tur...

Ways to raise healthier children

America is sadly home to more overweight children than any country on earth. We are raising them to live in a fast food society and provide them with tons of sedentary activities through video games. However, if we ourselves make the effort to change our bad habits, our children will be given the gift that keeps on giving, good health . Read more Ways to raise healthier children . Related articles Marketing magic for a healthier diet: Do try this at home! ( Halloween Now Means Healthier Teeth and Healthier Kids ( Decorating a nursery ( Decorating for the potential buyer of your home ( Decorating your home for Halloween (

Southern pride, overcoming the stigmas

If you were born and raised in the south, then you have no doubt seen the rest of the world make sport of your roots. According to much you read and hear on television, southerners are all a bunch of ignorant, redneck , in-breds, spewing forth hate and chewing tobacco from every orifice. To Read more click here : Southern pride, overcoming the stigmas     Related articles by Zemanta How to decorate a small space ( Project: Sun room addition ( Paranormal Experiences ( Decorating a nursery ( *******Why some orbs are NOT dust (