We all know the New Year is right around the corner and many of us will make resolutions that we know good and well we can't keep. The key to making resolutions successful in the New Year are to make reasonable goals for yourself. Here are a few resolution suggestions that may be worthwhile.
- Commit to improved health- Lets face it, another year comes and this means you're going to be a year older at some point in the new year. Health has a way of turning on a dime and making a commitment to improve your health is always a good idea. Start off small, gain control and expand as you go. Whether it is changing up your diet, or exercising more, or getting a check up with your doctor, do it. Don't think big goals that are unrealistic, think small goals that can be achieved. Better to have small success, than big failure.
- Let go of the past- If you truly want to be a happier person, part of your endeavor for the new year may be to let go of things that can not be changed. There is no going back, and spending too much time on what happened yesterday will rob you of the full potential today can bring. Bottom line, if you've been an adult longer than you were a kid, most of your life has now been in your hands, own it.
- Find small joys in every day- Too many of us think we need to do big things and spend tons of money to have fun, however the memory is where the true value is, and memories can be made wonderful in simple ways just as well as through extravagant ways. Commit to more family game nights, or movie nights with those you love. Popcorn, and a movie can be all that you need to really get the most out of the day you have. We don't know where life is heading, and we can only seize the moment we are in. Happiness is worth everything.
- Cherish the children- Are you watching your children or grandchildren changing and growing every day? The time we have with our children is oh so fleeting and before you know it they are off living their own lives. Sometimes they will return briefly to the home, but the days of being a family under one roof are gone. There are few mothers and fathers out there that don't miss those days (hard as they were) and many wish they could go back and do it all again. Take time to cherish little ones while you can. Lost time can never be regained. Time marches by, and your children march with it, make sure you march with them for as long as you can.
- Commit to be more charitable- The new year should be a time of reflection, and perspective as you move forward. Give more, expect less and love without condition where possible. Do more than remember those less fortunate, give to charity when you can. It is a shame to be blessed and not share it in some way with those that struggle.
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