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10 Worst Things About Family Vacations

Johnson Family VacationImage via Wikipedia

1. Are we there yet? I don't know about many but after hearing these famous words over and over again on a family vacation will drive even the best parent crazy. I guess the best way to deal with it is with a little humor, like replying "how can we be there, when we're here?"..that should shut them up..for a minute..
2. The smell from the backseat- Lets face it, kids have accidents. Not just the fact they spill every drink you give them, or the fact that the snacks you lovingly prepared ended up some how squished into the carpet, but there's the other dreaded accident that occurs too. The "oops I went in my pants" accident. Home looks better with every mile you travel, doesn't it?
3. "Roy keeps touching me"-
Ah how nice to know that while you are coping with the constant requests, the smells and the endless questions you also get to settle the most horrid offense known to youngsters, the unsolicited "touch". How many times can you say "Roy stop touching your sister" before your head explodes?
4. "I'm hungry"-
This isn't that bad, but it just so happens that it occurs when you are a good hour away from anywhere that has food. So you end up finding a rest area and taking your chances with whatever is in the vending machines. This wouldn't be so horrible except, please read number 5.
5. "I don't feel good"-
As if the stench from the backseat isn't bad enough, it appears "Junior" has an upset stomach, or just a good old fashioned case of motion sickness. Guess what happens next.
6. Bad Motels-
If the road trip didn't kill you, checking in to a horrible hotel will. I have personally seen hotels so bad, that the roaches were complaining at the front desk. Lesson to be learned, never stay at a hotel that's sign simply reads "-O-T-E". I guess I should be glad three of the letters worked.
7. Getting Lost-
Ever have the feeling you left the stove on? How about the feeling you're not in Kansas anymore, or worse yet, that is where you're supposed to be? Thank goodness for things like global positioning systems, because not all of us are the best navigators in the world.
8. Finding out your garbage was still in the trunk-
Yes, believe it or not, this actually happened. It wasn't exactly a mistake that hubby threw every ones luggage on top of a bunch of garbage bags, he just thought he'd save time by getting rid of the garbage, after we arrived at the hotel. Smelly, very smelly.
9. Finding out your cat made the trip with you-
This too is a true story. One family vacation we decided to go on a camping trip. After a long ride and finally coming to our point of destination, what did we all hear but a long disgruntled meow coming from the trunk? The Cat! The cat for whatever reason decided while the trunk was open, probably while we were loading it to jump inside. He was not the smartest animal in the world. FYI-cats don't like camping.
10. Hotel showers- If you like getting scalded by water that is hot enough to boil an egg, try a hotel shower. While you stand there and try to figure the nozzle out on the shower you get almost burned alive and on top of that, there's a heat lamp usually in the room to finish you off. Whatever happened to HOT and COLD? To top if off after a traumatic trip, a scalding hot shower, you get to plop down on a hard mattress with a nice flat pillow. What a great way to to relax!

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