With all the tragedies happening in the world today, people are experiencing great losses world wide. The pain of losing a loved one is overwhelming. It is an assault to ones senses and takes time and support to get through. Witnessing a family member or friend going through this difficult time is extremely hard. Offering supportive assistance and helping out even with menial tasks can be a great source of comfort, and a warm gesture of love.
Offer to help-
Loved ones going through the grieving process are oblivious to little details, and are wrought with pain. As a supportive friend or family member, offering to help with any chores, duties, tying up loose ends are invaluable. No offer is too little or too small. Small things are what get overlooked and this is where you can be the most help in what feels like such a helpless position to be in.
Be The eyes and ears for them-
Grieving friends and family often can't absorb information, and can not think clearly. They are overwhelmed even with the slightest things. Try to be their eyes and ears, as they may come to your later and ask you literally what was going on. You may need to help them keep track of thank you cards, friends and family that visited. Maybe important details got discussed and in their grief they were unable to process it mentally.
Listen to them-
Grief takes on many different faces. Pain, anger, a true feeling of abandonment and sometimes a grieving friend or family member will literally feel victimized by the harsh hand they have been dealt. You may not be able to understand where they are coming from in their pain but one thing you can always do is listen to them. They need to vent, cry and have a strong person that cares enough to handle their pain. Being the shoulder, the rock, and the listener is invaluable to someone suffering great losses.
Find and offer them additional support-
They may or may not accept it, but in the chance that they do, look on their behalf, inquire about places and support groups particular to their needs. They may appreciate the option, even if they decide not to at the time. Let them know that they can always change their mind later if they want.
Creature comforts-
It is not uncommon that those in grief will lose track of time, they may stop bathing, eating, and withdraw from the world. Cooking them nutritious comforting meals, doing laundry for them and drawing them a nice hot bath will help them to remember they still need to care for themselves. Offer to stay over for a few nights if you can to look after them. Sometimes the depression worsens when a grieving person feels alone. Let them know you love them, and are there for them. Make sure you encourage them to sit outside in the sun and get some fresh air. They may be reluctant but it is good for them. Encourage their tears, their memories, their laughter..And in time your friend will recover and realize, life must go on...
Contact the family doctor- In some instances a family doctor should be notified. If your friend has trouble sleeping, is suffering severe depression that can lead to them causing harm to themselves, you need to make the doctor aware. Often times they can prescribe medicine, therapy sources and help that you aren't even aware of.
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